DNA ConneXions Lyme Test Panel Named Most Accurate Among the Best At-Home Lyme Disease Tests of 2021

Thanks to verywellhealth.com for naming our sister lab, DNA ConneXions©, with the Most Accurate DNA Lyme Disease Test! All of us at DNA ConneXions© and Biocomp Labs take great pride in our work and delivering the most accurate results is our number one goal – every test, every time! This timely recognition reminds us that tick […]
Utilization of Whole, Fractioned, or Ground Teeth for DNA Microbial Testing: Is There a Difference?

Utilization of Whole, Fractioned, or Ground Teeth for DNA Microbial Testing: Is There a Difference? By Leslie Douglas, PhD, Blanche D. Grube, DMD, and Anita Vazquez Tibau Introduction The impact that oral health has on whole body health is no longer a question; in fact, over 100 systemic diseases have been linked to poor oral health. According […]
A Hypothesis and Evidence That Mercury May be an Etiological Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease

A Hypothesis and Evidence That Mercury May be an Etiological Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease The cause of Alzheimer’s disease [AD] has been one of the great medical mysteries since Alois Alzheimer first identified this disease in 1906. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, affecting 4.2 million citizens. Although recent […]
Lyme Disease: Differentiating Between Detection and Diagnosis

Lyme Disease: Differentiating Between Detection and Diagnosis by Blanche Grube, DMD, and Leslie Douglas, PhD Scientific and Clinical Laboratory Testing in General Sensitivity and specificity are common terms for assessing in quantitative terms the accuracy of a given testing method. In other words, they measure whether and how well that method is able to distinguish […]