Expanded Detailed Instructions of our Testing Process and Procedures
The following looks very daunting and complicated. The reality is we have included every possible scenario and complete details about our entire testing process. Our goal here is to give you the most complete, comprehensive, and up to date information possible. You are encouraged to view the following section as either reference material or as an instruction sheet.
1. Order our testing kit free of charge in one of three ways:
- Order directly from our website (Form at top of this page)
- Order via telephone. Call toll free at 1-800-331-2303 or long distance 719-548-1600
- You may even be provided a testing kit from a dentist or physician who has our testing kits on hand in their office.
Notes: All testing kits are sent free of charge. The kit will be sent via Priority Mail through the United States Postal Service. This means your package should arrive within a 2 or 3 day time period. Also make note that this is not guaranteed 2 or 3 day delivery.
Weather and other unforeseen variables may occur that would cause the testing kit to arrive later than 2 or 3 days. One final note: we are unable to track these packages. We ask you now please be patient while waiting for your kit to arrive. If you have not received your kit within 7 to 10 day time period, then please order another kit from our office.
Locating a Laboratory
When either waiting for a testing kit to arrive or after the testing kit has arrived the client will be expected to find and locate their own clinical laboratory that can provide a proper specimen. Please note Biocomp Laboratories does not retain a list of laboratories, our suggestion is to acquire a list from your local telephone book. Simply look up “Laboratories – Medical” or “Laboratories – Clinical” in the yellow pages of your telephone book. Our requirements of the laboratory are basic and here are some simple questions that can be asked by our clients
- Can your laboratory draw blood samples? – If yes move to question b
- Can your laboratory centrifuge that blood sample? – If yes move to question c
- Can your laboratory prepare a sample for another laboratory that does a very specialized test? At the same time tell them you have all the proper paperwork and a testing kit with complete instructions.
If yes then schedule an appointment for your blood draw. If the laboratory answers NO to any of these questions please ask them if there is a laboratory in your area that can provide you with all of the above mentioned requirements.
Also remember that most hospitals have laboratory facilities as well, this might be another avenue to explore in order to get the blood sample prepared. In addition to hospitals your local general practitioner may also have facilities available in his or her office, so they may also be able to prepare this sample for you.
Filling out the Order Form
Once the testing kit arrives and laboratory has been found the next step is to fill out the compatibility report order form. Please print legibly so our order processing personnel can enter your information correctly. Start by filling out your name address and telephone number. In addition we ask you to provide your date of birth for future identity verification. Continue by filling out your dentist name address and phone number.
The next section of the order form covers test ordering information and further optional services.:
Please Note: Biocomp Laboratories policy is to send the report findings to the dentist or physicians office, unless specifically noted that the report findings are to be sent to another location. (CLICK HERE FOR FULL POLICY EXPLANATION #OFP1)
Included in the compatibility report are materials required for fillings, dentures, orthodontics, crowns, bridges, root canal and implants.
Please Note: Root canal and implant procedures can be very hazardous to the immune system. Biocomp Laboratories officially recommends against having these procedures completed. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION #BCT1)
- Report mailing by First-Class Mail, Priority Mail or FedEx overnight mailing – The entire testing process, including shipping, may take up to two weeks to complete. Normal report shipping is done via First-Class Mail through the United State Postal Service. This means your report can take up to 6 or 7 days just to reach your dentist after we have mailed it. If you require faster shipping we offer Priority Mail or FedEx as alternative shipping methods. Priority Mail made available by the United States Postal Service provides 2 to 3 day delivery option. FedEx alternatively offers next day overnight noon delivery. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION #BCT3) also (CLICK HERE FOR OUR POLICY ON FAXING AND EMAILING OF REPORTS #BCT4)
- Additional report copies – Additional report copies can be ordered at $25 per copy. It is Biocomp Laboratories company policy to send any additional report copies directly to the client, unless specifically noted that the report copies are to be sent to another location.(CLICK HERE FOR FULL POLICY EXPLANATION #OFP2). Also note that same delivery options are available for additional report copies.
- Procedure code information letter for insurance billing – Our clients are expected to pay Biocomp Laboratories directly for the Biocompatibility testing. Our office will not release report findings until the report is completely paid in full. (CLICK HERE FOR FULL POLICY EXPLANATION #OFP4) Some clients wish to have their testing covered by insurance. Unfortunately Biocomp Laboratories does not take on insurance assignments at this time. Our office can not directly facilitate the insurance claim process for our clients. Our suggestion is to file a claim to your insurance directly for reimbursement. Biocomp Laboratories can assist you with this process by providing you a disclosure letter that you can send to your insurance company for reimbursement. (CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSURANCE BILLING #INS1)
- The next section of the order form to fill out is to a degree optional. Biocomp Laboratories accepts payment in one of three ways. We can accept a check or money order paid to the order of Biocomp Laboratories, Inc. Your other option is to pay for the testing via credit card. If paying by credit card please complete the credit card acceptance section of our order form. Start by checking the appropriate credit card type followed by your credit card number, expiration date and the 3 digit card security code. Last but not least please remember to spell out your name as it appears on your card as well as your authorization signature.
- The last remaining section of our order form serves two purposes. One as Consent Verification and two as an Advance Beneficiary Notice. By signing our form you’re consenting to the testing of your blood specimen by our offices. Additionally you are also acknowledging that Medicare and Medicaid will not be paying for your testing. (CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS REGARDING MEDICARE AND MEDICAID #INS2)
Biocomp Laboratories requires all clients to fast for at least 8 to 10 hours before having the blood specimen drawn by your local laboratory. This fasting time period is very important. Clients who have not fasted could render their blood specimen less useful. In this case Biocomp Laboratories would require the client to redraw the blood specimen at the clients own expense. The fasting is only a food fast. You may feel free to drink water, take vitamins, minerals, supplements and any standard medications. Please stay away from proteins and fatty foods. Example: no steak and egg breakfast or nutritional protein shakes. Our suggestion, skip breakfast in the morning and go directly to the laboratory to have the blood drawn.
Having the sample prepared. Step 5 allows for 2 options.
- Go to the lab with the testing kit and have the laboratory prepare your blood sample. The laboratory will draw two vials of whole blood. After the vials of blood have been draw you may leave the laboratory facility and return later to pickup the frozen sample. During this time the laboratory will be expected to prepare a blood serum sample thus centrifuging the two vials of blood into one vial of blood serum (Note: serum is a yellow liquid). Once the sample has been prepared the laboratory will freeze the sample for you. This total process should take between 3 to 5 hours to complete, but you may feel free to ask a laboratory technician when you should return to pickup your sample. Once the sample has been frozen and you have returned to the laboratory to pickup the sample then you can move to step 6 of our process. (PLEASE NOTE: Clients will have to pay the laboratory charges for the blood draw and centrifuge. It is not included in our fee for the Biocompatibility test.)
- Go to the lab with the testing kit and have the laboratory prepare your blood sample. The laboratory will draw two vials of whole blood. After the vials of blood have been drawn you may wait for the laboratory to prepare the sample. During your wait time the laboratory will be expected to prepare a blood serum sample thus centrifuging the two vials of blood into one vial of blood serum (Note: serum is a yellow liquid). By our calculations this should take between 40 to 50 minutes at the most to complete, in some cases it may be faster. Once the sample has been prepared we ask you to take that sample home and freeze it yourself. To do this properly without damage to the sample we ask you to pack this sample on ice or bring a cooler with ice packs with you to the laboratory. Our requirement here is this sample must stay below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you arrive home freeze the sample for 2 to 3 hours. Please note: In rare cases blood serum will just not freeze completely. This is okay there is nothing wrong with the sample. We ask that you just make sure the two ice packs that came with the testing kit are completely frozen before mailing your package. From this point you can move to step 6. (PLEASE NOTE: Clients will have to pay the laboratory charges for the blood draw and centrifuge. It is not included in our fee for the biocompatibility test.)
Packing of the Testing Kit
Please contact our office for names of Natural, Holistic or Biological dentists who have used our testing in the past. (CLICK HERE TO FIND A DENTIST) or (CLICK HERE FOR BIOCOMP LABORATORIES CONTACT INFORMATION)
The box has been designed extremely well so there is no need to tape this box, it will stay shut during its voyage to our office. We also ask that you do not to write on the outside of this box because we prefer to remain environmentally friendly and recycle the cardboard box, Styrofoam containers and ice packets. For those packages shipped with guaranteed overnight delivery, we do not require the specimen to be placed on dry ice. The sample does not need to stay frozen while shipping; it only needs to stay below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The materials provided in the kit are sufficient to do this. If guaranteed overnight delivery is not available in your area then we require these packages to be shipped on dry ice. (CLICK HERE FOR DRY ICE SHIPPING DETAILS #BCT5) Next locate the FedEx plastic Clinical Pak and FedEx Airbill.
Fill out the “from” section of the FedEx Airbill (Section 1) with you name, address and telephone number. |
Billing for FedEx you have several options. Option 1: to pay by credit card or if you have a FedEx account then please fill out payment section of the Airbill (Section 7). Option 2: When dropping the package off at a FedEx location you may pay them directly with check, credit card, or cash in some cases. Once the Airbill has been completely filled out remove the wax paper from the self adhesive stripe and place it on the outside of the FedEx Clinical Pak, any place on the front of the pack is fine. |
Last but not least place the white cardboard box into the FedEx pack and seal the pack. Your package is now ready to go. One last note: If you wish to pack or are required to pack your testing kit in an alternative package other then a FedEx Clinical Pak, we require you to write the following on the package. “This is a non-infectious, non-hazardous specimen for testing purposes and so far as is known, is taken from a healthy human.” |
Special Note: Biocomp Laboratories is not responsible for shipment expenses. All packages shipping to our office will be covered by the party shipping the package. Biocomp Laboratories company policy states, any packages billed to Biocomp Laboratories will be re-billed through the package carrier at an added re-invoicing fee. (CLICK HERE FOR RE-INVOICING DETAILS #BCT6) All packages shipped to our location are to be shipped Monday through Thursday only.
Do not ship your package on Friday because we are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Shipping your package on Friday may render the sample useless and it will need to be redrawn at the client’s expense. Additionally our office is closed on all federal holidays.(CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF HOLIDAYS) First step in shipping your package is to find a FedEx location. The easiest way is to call FedEx at 1-800-463-3339 or go to www.FedEx.com. We require you to drop this package off at a staffed FedEx location, such as a FedEx Kinko’s or FedEx shipping facility. Do not drop off the sample in a FedEx drop box. We prefer this package to remain in a climate controlled environment. Alternatively you can call FedEx and schedule a pickup at your home or at your business. Keep in mind additional charges may apply for this pick up service. If using FedEx is inconvenient or not available in your area then you may feel free to ship this package via UPS. Ship the package with “UPS Next Day Air” 10:30AM delivery. Please do not use any other carriers. Incidents in the past have rendered other carriers unacceptable for shipping. Either packages were lost or returned to our clients because the carriers were unable to ship a biohazard package. Final shipping note: some laboratories require shipping of the package for our clients. This is fine as long as they follow the same shipping instructions. They will also be required to pay for the shipping or pass the shipping expense to the client within their own billing department. Again Biocomp Laboratories is not responsible for shipping costs.
Testing Results
Once the sample arrives at our office it will be scheduled for testing. Our current testing schedule has us testing on Tuesdays and Fridays of every week.
Results will be printed, bound and sent via First-Class Mail directly to the dentist or physician unless otherwise designated on the order form. The test turn-around time is about two weeks. We suggest having your next dental appointment no sooner than two weeks after the day you have sent us your blood specimen. |