Biological Dentistry: The Key to Whole Body Health Feat. Dr. Blanche D. Grube

Biological Dentistry: The Key to Whole Body Health Feat. Dr. Blanche D. Grube Jumo Into Detox Podcast with Nicilas Mayaud: Special guests Dr. Blanche D. Grube and Anita Tibau, co-authors of “Chew on This …But Don’t Swallow” From Nicolas Mayaud: “I was honored to have from Florida Blanche Grube and Anita Vazquez -Tibau for an […]
ApoE Testing in the News

APOE TESTING IN THE NEWS Australian-born Chris Hemsworth is raising awareness as a result of the recent discovery of his genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s Disease. He did a genetic test for an episode of his National Geographic series, “Limitless” and found that he had two copies of the ApoE 4 gene. Having one or two […]
Understanding ApoE Genotyping and the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

UNDERSTANDING APOE GENOTYPING AND THE DETECTION OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE According to the National Institute on Aging, “Certain genes can increase the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most significant genetic risk factors is a form of the apolipoprotein E gene called APOE4. About 25% of people carry one copy of APOE4, […]
Your Dental Health – Ask The Good Doctor “LIVE” feat. Dr. Blanche D. Grube

YOUR DENTAL HEALTH – ASK THE GOOD DOCTOR “LIVE” FEAT. DR. BLANCHE D. GRUBE Did you know your teeth tell the story of your health and that those silver fillings in your mouth can be wreaking havoc in your body? Dr. Blanche Grube, a biological Dentist, specializes in Safe Dentistry. She is the author of, […]
Robert Scott Bell Interviews Anita Vazquez Tibau

ROBERT SCOTT BELL INTERVIEWS ANITA VAZQUEZ TIBAU THE ROBERT SCOTT BELL SHOW: The Health Freedom Expo! Special guests Diane Miller, Joni Abbott, Anita Tibau, Brian Hooker, Lourdes and Chris Lavoy. Anita Vazquez Tibau, co-author of “Chew On This …But Don’t Swallow” (with Dr. Blanche D. Grube), discusses the continued and common use of silver amalgam […]
The Dangers of Root Canals and Amalgams

THE DANGERS OF ROOT CANALS AND AMALGAMS Did you know that 97% of diseases start in the mouth? It’s true! Many diseases are caused by poor dental health and root canals and dental amalgams can cause systemic disease. Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube as they discuss the correlation between dental health, […]
Alarming Findings on Dental Amalgam

Alarming Findings on Dental Amalgam Alarming Findings on Mercury Dental Amalgam – Latest Research Usingthe National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Database: A Mini-Review by Anita Vazquez Tibau and Blanche D Grube ABSTRACT Mercury dental amalgam has been used as a dental restorative material for almost 200 years. Even though mercury is the most […]
2022 Live Trinity Health Freedom Expo – Our Health in Crisis

2022 LIVE TRINITY HEALTH FREEDOM EXPO – OUR HEALTH IN CRISIS 2022 Live Trinity Health Freedom Expo – Our Health in Crisis About the Trinity Health Freedom Expo: “The Trinity Health Freedom Expo is more than a convention. We are a team that works year-round to defend your right to know and freedom to choose what’s best for […]
Nu Wellness TV With Dr. Cherilyn Lee Hosts Dr. Blanche Grube & Anita Vazquez Tibau

Nu Wellness TV With Dr. Cherilyn Lee Hosts Dr. Blanche Grube & Anita Vazquez Tibau Watch Dr. Blanche D. Grube and Anita Vazquez Tibau on “Nu Wellness TV with Dr. Cherilyn Lee” as they discuss the root cause of disease and their new book, “Chew On This… But Don’t Swallow”. PURCHASE THE BOOK!
Biological Dentistry Breakthroughs: An Interview with Dr. Blanche Grube on Gaia TV

Biological Dentistry Breakthroughs: An Interview with Dr. Blanche Grube on Gaia TV Along with our friends at Gaia TV, we are very excited to introduce Dr. Blanche’s interview with Dr. Ed Group on the Healing Matrix: Special Series on Dental Health with Dr. Blanche Grube. In this special edition of Healing Matrix, we meet Dr. Blanche […]